SnowBall Stunning Success!
Following the huge success of lasts months fantastic SnowBall, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported our Gala Ball. Over 150 people joined us to party the night away at the Imperial War Museum in Manchester and raise over £9,000 which will support our projects, aims and objectives in the year ahead.
Our thanks also go to the organising committee who made sure that everything came together on the night – from endless raffle and outstanding auction prizes to the fabulous musical entertainment, provided by non other than the fabulous and talented Stephen Bayliss. All their hard work was very much appreciated, along with everyone who bought a ticket and helped fundraise for our vital charity.
Our thanks also to Richard McBride who captured some wonderful images of everyone all dressed up and ready to party! To view the images click here.
Nurses Complete Manchester Half Marathon to Raise Funds for Children’s Burns Foundation
Trustee vacancy
Grant awarded
Burns Awareness Day
Running Manchester 10k
Can’t attend the Summer Ball 2022?
Thanks for your support Nicola
easyfundraising – donate as you shop